Shetland Sylv

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Living in the moment


We are never promised that life will be easy or fair. We all experience trials and tribulations in life and they make us the wonderfully complex people we are. They are part of the rich tapestry of life. To use an illustration, when we look at the front of a tapestry what we see is a beautiful picture, while if we turn it over, on the back is a huge multitude of interwoven threads. Such is life.

We can contemplate the past with its complicated mix of sadness, disappointments and happy times; we can plan and anticipate for the future and look forward with excitement or at times apprehension. However, all we are promised is the present, so difficult as it may be, we need to learn to live in the moment and enjoy and appreciate the small, beautiful moments of happiness that are within our grasp.

Life is awesome, wonderful, sad, fulfilling, fearful, terrifying but absolutely amazing.

Enjoy the moment…
