Shetland Sylv

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What legacy do we want to leave?

All hands on deck! 

Hands off!

Keep your hands to yourself!

You’re in safe hands. 

Let’s shake hands. 

Lend a helping hand...

Hands are such versatile appendages to the human body. They can be used for an infinite variety of tasks, both good and bad, both helpful and hindering. 

My son Mark spent two months in Raigmore Hospital in 2018 after a serious accident which left him with multiple physical injuries as well as a traumatic brain injury. During his time in ITU I was in complete awe of the medical staff. There was no doubt in my mind that they had healing hands: the sensitivity and thoughtfulness  they displayed when caring for Mark was exceptional. They never seemed to tire. To me, they appeared to be like angels. They used their hands to tend to him with gentleness and care. 

Both physically and metaphorically, we all face the challenge every day of whether to use our hands for good or bad:  do we point the finger, the easy option, or do we hold out a helping hand to someone in need, the harder option. The right thing to do is often the hardest thing to do. 

So what legacy do we want to leave behind us? I would like mine to be: ‘She was always willing to lend a helping hand. She walked humbly and showed kindness and mercy.’ 

I’d be happy with that.