What people are saying…

“Can’t wait to hear all your stories Granny!”
— Hannah, Granddaughter
“Dad always told us what a great writer you are, so looking forward to reading the blog!”
— Ailsa, Niece
“I cannot wait to hear all the stories about Mum and Dad and Grandma and Grandad from such an amazing variety of places throughout my life time!”
— Mark, Son
“You’ll have to include Australia, then mum can talk about the famous wildlife photographer a.k.a. Roostalker amongst other things!” ;)
— Paul, Son
“Looking forward to the blog...” 
— Deborah, Sister-in-Law
“Can’t wait to hear your thoughts and stories Aunty Sylvia!”
— Morag, Niece
Sylv is a Shetland legend - Tosh, Sandy and myself can’t wait to meet her.
— Jimmy Perez
This is what happens when you tell me you’re interested in writing a blog! If nothing else I’m sure it’ll give all of us a good laugh on Christmas day” :)
— Kerry, Soothmoother

Sandy-Monty, Tosh-Sylvia and Perez-Mark