Shetland Sylv

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The highlight of this summer was the visit of our son Paul with his two boys Mitchell and Fletcher all the way from Perth in Western Australia. To join them we also had a visit from our son Mark with his children Hannah, Aimee and Andrew. This meant that for the first time we were all together with our adult children, our great grandchildren and our great grandson. It was a very special time for us and we were blessed with amazing weather. To top it all we were joined for a few days by Wendy and David Bourne, Mitch and Fletch’s Australian grandparents.

The Georgeson Clan - Monty and Sylvia with Mark, Paul and Fiona, our eight grandchildren, Stephanie, Ethan, Kaitlin, Hannah, Aimee, Andrew, Mitchell and Fletcher, and our great grandson Mitchell.

The visit was action packed with a BBQ for extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins, beach trips, island visits, meals in, meals out, fishing expeditions, picnics, puffin watching, glass making and many other events. It was a memorable time for us all.

The visit made me think about walking as we did a great deal of that during the family’s stay. Walking is good for your health, with the combination of fresh air and exercise getting the endorphines going. I try to walk every day although I have to admit I am only a fair weather walker. I detest getting soaked and feeling miserable. A walk always starts with the first step, and this made me reflect on how this applies to life in general. Any new venture starts with the first step.

Sometimes we become overwhelmed about doing anything because it seems too huge, but if we remember we only need to take the first step, not tackle the whole staircase at one go this can help us to begin our journey. Over the past year I’ve watched my great grandson take his first tentative steps until he can now run and climb with enormous confidence. Like a child starting to walk we only need to take our first step and our confidence will increase with every step we take.

Celebratory dinner at the Lerwick Hotel with the whole family for Monty’s 80th and our Golden Wedding.