Happy Christmas!

Your first blog…

I think we were walking around the grounds of the hotel in Dunkeld when you talked about wanting to write more, just after Paddy and Emma’s beautiful wedding. You were full of exciting stories, tales and enthusiasm for the unusual life you’ve led and I thought yup - this would definitely make for an interesting read! So, here’s a space to get you started. If you want. You might simply want to continue to write in your own way, away from prying eyes and the annoyance of the Internet. But this blog is here if you want it. To help inspire you. To give you the motivation to get it down and share it. To remember those amazing stories…and to seek out the old photos to go with it.

Hope you enjoy it. And don’t forget, blogs aren’t like dogs. They can be just for Christmas. You won’t have the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Blogs) at your door if you choose not to feed this online animal. People tend to write out of love, and at the time and in the manner of their choosing. So if this isn’t what you had in mind, that’s ok, no-one else need know about this blog’s existence. Well. No-one except us two and the seven billion other people who use the Internet of course. No pressure.

Happy Christmas!

Kerry and Mark